MLS Listings
National and Regional businesses in Florida and other select States.
As full-service business brokers we work with sellers and buyers in Jacksonville, Lake City, Palm Coast, Tampa and throughout the entire State of Florida.
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We Are Trusted Business Advisors
Who We Are
Based in Jacksonville, FL, we are a trusted business advisor and business brokerage firm providing seller business consulting services
What We Do
We specialize in mid-market businesses in Tampa, Palm Coast, Orlando, Lake City, and Jacksonville and offer a valuation report to determine the fair market value
Our Mission
At Quorum Business Advisors see ourselves as the bridge between generations of business owners. We are deeply committed to empowering small business owners to retire comfortably by helping them successfully exit their businesses, turning their years of hard work and dedication into a nest egg for their golden years. Simultaneously, we're passionate about fueling the dreams of budding entrepreneurs by providing them with opportunities to step into established businesses and inject them with their fresh ideas and energy. In this way, we play a vital role in the business community.
Ready to buy or sell a business? Let's talk.
We have a proven track record to find the best potential buyers, and our detailed, confidential business profile/outline helps us find a perfect match and business for you to buy. Make sure you have the right team on your side. Contact Quorum today!