Buying a Business
Based in Jacksonville, FL, we’re the leading business consulting firm for business buyers to buy a business in FL or the U.S.
We offer a full range of confidential business consulting for selling or buying a business.

Buying a business is a major decision! You will devote your time, money and energy to finding, purchasing and operating a business. You hope it will provide a stable source of income and a sound investment. You have decided now is the right time to buy and you want the very best professional guidance you can get. This is when working with a professional business broker can make the difference between just buying a business and buying the right business for you at the very best price and terms!
Frequently Asked Questions About Buying a Business
See the most common questions asked by buyers. The responses are based on both experience and knowledge. If you have any questions we have not covered, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Journey to Becoming a Business Owner
Step 1: Identify the Ideal Business
Explore our extensive database and networking resources to find businesses that match your goals and interests.Step 2: Execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Protect all confidential information shared by the seller by signing an NDA.Step 3: Create Your Buyer Profile
Submit a Buyer Profile detailing your professional background and financial resources, enabling us to match you with suitable business opportunities.Step 4: Analyze the Confidential Information Memorandum
Gain access to vital details about the business, such as financial health and potential for growth, to help you make well-informed decisions.Step 5: Engage with a Broker
Have an initial conversation with a business broker to discuss your interests and see if the business meets your acquisition criteria.Step 6: Participate in a Conference Call with the Seller and Broker
Engage directly with the seller and broker to understand more about the business, express your interests, and share your qualifications.
Step 7: Conduct Site Visits and Further Discussions
Visit the business location, meet with the seller, and delve into the operational aspects of the business. Continue discussions to address any concerns and outline possible next steps.Step 8: Present a Letter of Intent (LOI)
Submit a non-binding LOI along with proof of funds and a deposit to signal your serious interest.Step 9: Undertake Due Diligence
Upon acceptance of your LOI, meticulously review all business aspects, confirming financial data and evaluating assets.Step 10: Finalize the Purchase Agreement
Negotiate and sign a purchase and sale agreement to officially secure the business. Utilize legal and financial advisors to ensure a seamless transaction.Step 11: Manage Pre-Closing Activities
Perform necessary pre-closing tasks, such as inventory assessments, with the seller’s cooperation to guarantee a correct transfer of assets.Step 12: Closing
Celebrate your new status as a business owner and get ready for an exciting entrepreneurial adventure.
Buying a business is a complex process. Make sure you have the right team on your side. Contact Quorum today!
Call today for your FREE, confidential consultation – let’s get started!